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From: The laptop of Justin Woll
Re: Your First Profitable 6-Figure Shopify Store (and why this is your only way out)
Dear Future Shopify Millionaire -
Would it surprise you to learn that I built my first successful Shopify store from $0 to $250k in just a few short months using the information revealed in this short video course you can watch in a day?
Then I repeated and refined the process both for myself and with my students, while spending millions of dollars on Facebook Ads along the way, until I had undeniable proof that my methods work.
You should be.
After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-)
so let me prove it to you
But first, read this disclaimer:
I have the benefit of over 10 years of online business experience.
The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.
All purchases entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS COURSE.
And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.
With that said … let me jump right in and show you…
And I Did It By Using A Completely Systematic And Data-Driven Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…
The same BSF 100k Blueprint that beginner, mid-level and even advanced eCom entrepreneurs from all over the world are now using to research and discover uniquely valuable products in overlooked niches with my ‘Product Index’...
Then using my ‘Farm Method’ to scale up Facebook Ads FAST...
...And in turn go from zero to Beyond Six Figures faster than ever before...
...All because they have a straight line proven framework and systems where they know the exact steps to test, validate and scale products so they can focus on growing winners...
...And best of all, giving them the predictability to plan their growth and scale up their team and revenue with stability.
Just Like Luke Tull In Michigan, Who Had 8 FAILED Stores Before Finding 7-Figure Shopify Success With Our Program
Luke was a dad with 3 kids and a full time job, doing ecom on the side to give his family a better life… But not getting traction.
After 8 failed stores, Luke actually QUIT ecom for 2 years because he was so frustrated… Then decided to come back and give it one more go when he learned about BSF.
We helped Luke to start a brand new store from scratch using our systems. He took massive action, listened to all my feedback, and quickly blasted past 6 figures...
Then A Few Short Months Later He Posted This In Our Private FB Group:
This Is Paul Van Sprundel in The Netherlands, Who’s Scaling His Store Past $30k Per Month Consistently
He’s all in and recently quit his job to focus 100% on Ecommerce -
Here’s Shajarim Dastagir from Brooklyn NYC, Another Of My Students Who Used The Bsf 100k Blueprint Strategies And Recently Crossed $6 Million Total Revenue:
And Meet Jason Stemo in New York, Who Shifted From Real Estate To Ecommerce. He Studied Everything In The BSF 100k Blueprint… Hit $80k A Month For The First Time… And Is Now Making Over $100k A Month!
Here’s his recent post in our private FB Community (which you will have access to once you access the course)...
Luke, Paul, Shajarim, And Jason Are Just 4 From Thousands In A New Wave Of Shopify Store Owners Doing Things Differently With The BSF 100k Blueprint…
And you can BET...
This BSF 100k Blueprint model is unlike any method you heard of before…
…This is something completely different, because…
We don’t waste dollars chasing fashion trends, or testing unvalidated products. Everything we sell goes through our proprietary Product Index - a checklist of 9 key success criteria we’ve discovered across thousands of winning products
We don’t wait months to collect market data. We actively harvest live, validated real-time data from Amazon, eBay, Google Trends, Youtube, Watchcount, and other platforms - then use that data to harvest
We don’t tolerate what the gurus say are ‘industry standard’ conversion rates of 2-3%. My students regularly see conversions of 5% and 6% from their Shopify stores, because I teach them to be RUTHLESS about killing anything that doesn’t contribute to their profits.
We don’t force scaling too early just so we can post sexy Stripe account screenshots on IG and FB… Instead I force my students to achieve consistent cash flow, conversions, and margins first… Then tell them to scale like crazy once the foundations are solid.
In fact: at Beyond Six Figures we rarely (if ever) pay attention to anything that ‘ industry experts’ and Gurus are saying…
Instead We Use Something I’ve Invested Millions To Develop, And Validated With Years Of Data… Introducing The BSF 100k Blueprint Model, And 'The Farm Method' For Less Volatility, More Scale, And Foundational Consistency In Shopify Store Sales...
This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…
…and I know that’s true…
Because it changed everything for me.
The BSF 100k Blueprint model and 'The Farm Method' allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it came to Shopify Dropshipping…
No 2-week ‘pump and dumps’ that blow up exponentially then collapse overnight… We shoot for strong, consistent growth that can scale AT THE RIGHT TIME, and continue to generate recurring revenue for YEARS.
No emotional decisions about product selection or campaign strategy. Our decisions are logical and backed by data… Plus we’re always testing to make sure we don’t get caught out when the market shifts
No changing budgets mid-day. We execute our ad campaigns with a daily plan, then review at the end of the day and adjust tomorrow’s plan based on what we learn. Data drives our decisions, not emotion
No working 20 hours a day. We’re in this for the long haul, so we make time for health, nutrition, and our families. We need to perform at the highest level for YEARS and we make that our priority.
NO SHORTCUTS. There’s no way to get to your goals without building a solid foundation. Systems and discipline are what take us WAY Beyond Six Figures.
NO EXCUSES. If something’s not working, it’s our responsibility to figure out solutions, and never give up on ourselves. I started out with nothing, failed a bunch of times before I found success… And the same story goes for all my top performing students.
The BSF 100k Blueprint Freed Me From All That And It Allowed Me To Grow My Stores All The Way To 8 Figures… Plus Help Thousands Of Students To Create Their Own 6-Figure and 7-Figure Success Stories
Here’s what running my stores used to look like (and If you’ve ever run a Shopify store, then I’m sure you can relate)…
I call this the “Ecom Treadmill Of Doom”:
Step 1 - - Have a ‘great idea’ for a niche Shopify store based on some fashion trend
Step 2 - Copy store designs from other stores already in the market
Step 3 - Get on Alibaba and pick a bunch of products based mainly on price and ‘what’s hot’
Step 4 - Run Facebook Ads with no system for budgeting and validation, base decisions on ‘feel’
Step 5 - Most products flop, now and then one hits and scales hard for a few weeks
Step 6 - Product runs out of steam, refresh creative and play with FB Ads settings trying to get it back
Step 7 - Trends change and niche store now looks dated
Step 8 - Back to the beginning and start over
The Treadmill Of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck by forcing me to start over a bunch of times while working my ass off.
To be honest...
...I almost gave up on this whole idea of becoming an eCommerce millionaire...
... But before I gave up..
I wanted to try something.
Something that - if it worked.
It would change everything.
And as you're about to find out, what I tried...
... It worked...
And I spent years turning it into a system...
And I Put This Entire System In A Course Called The BSF 100k Blueprint And You Can Start Watching It In Just A Few Moments From Now…
I Have An Amazing Mom And Loving Family
A Beautiful Home In Sunny Florida
A Team Of Rockstars Who Work With Me To Create Massive Success For BSF Students
Massive Impact, And The Rewards That Come With It
And As We Get To Know Each Other, You’ll Quickly Realize That I’m One Of The Luckiest People On Earth - So Let’s Talk About Where I Was 10 Years Ago…
I was 14 years old and living with my grandparents, my mom and little brother in New Jersey...
I was making a little bit of money on Youtube, and I wanted to take the next step and become an entrepreneur...
But I had no mentor, nobody to give guidance on HOW to start a business, and no clear vision of what I wanted to do with my life...
...And my family’s situation had been turned upside down by financial problems and my parents’ divorce.
This meant I couldn’t see a way to grow...
From the inexperienced teenager I was then… To the successful entrepreneur, mentor, and man I wanted to become (and now am).
There’s a stupid myth out there that drive and grit is all you need to achieve success.
… Well it’s not.
I know, because I tried.
Hustling and grinding on Youtube got me started making my first income online...
Then I learned about dropshipping and opened my first Shopify store, but I soon hit a wall, and realized that simply working hard is almost never the answer…
I Ended Up With Products That Would Take Off And Sell Like Crazy For A Couple Of Weeks, Then Crash And Burn… And I Hated It…
And That Was The Birth Of Beyond Six Figures
Fast Forward To Today And Those Early Years Almost Seem Like A Bad Dream
I proved the idea of “following the traditional life path” to be all wrong...
Instead of focusing on studies at college and hoping to get into a corporate job after graduation...
I spent the whole time at Rutgers University working on building my Shopify Stores...
And when everything took off like a rocket in my senior year of college, I made the decision not to graduate...
Because I was 1000% committed to go all in on my business.
And The Result Of Betting On Myself To Succeed?
The BSF 100k Blueprint Is Of The Most Legitimate And Easy-To-Use Systems If You Want To Have The Potential Of Scaling To $100k A Year… Or $100k A Month
Just think about it:
Tens of thousands of niche Shopify stores come and go every year… How do we create stores with longevity?
By structuring our stores and our businesses to be agile, so we’re not trapped when the market shifts.
There are MILLIONS of products out there, how do we narrow it down to a manageable selection?
By piggybacking our research on the billions spent by Amazon, Google, eBay and other platforms… The using a set of strict validation criteria
How do we make sure our Facebook Ads are consistently profitable with positive ROAS?
By using the Farm Method for steady scale on our Facebook Ads… And running every campaign according to a strict set of rules and protocols that never leave you in doubt about the next step
How can we make sure our business isn’t overly affected if sales of a product start to die off?
Implement the 20:20 Rule for product development to make sure we’ve always got more bullets to fire (more on this below)
When should we expect a store to become profitable?
Right from the first month! Seriously, we’ve worked too hard to save up the capital to invest in building our Shopify business… So we set extremely tight limits on ad spend for new products, and cut them dead FAST if they don’t perform. If it’s not profitable, we don’t do it, period.
How do YOU know what I’m telling you is true, valid, and up-to-date information for what’s happening NOW?
Read the testimonials and watch the videos on this page of students who’ve come to work with me after trying and failing in other programs...
Then quickly found success under my mentorship.
The math-based rules and systems I developed for scaling Shopify stores were the perfect thing to help my business take off like a rocket...
They’ve done the same for thousands of students I’ve mentored and continue to mentor...
And today I’m offering them to YOU.
Shopify dropshipping is an incredible opportunity to create wealth and freedom in your life.
It’s probably the best opportunity in the world right now...
But you need to do it the RIGHT way to succeed.
That’s why I hold nothing back in my resources.
You Don’t Even Need To Join My Mentorship Programs If You Don’t Want To, Because Everything You Need Is In The BSF 100k Blueprint
You get the same exact systems and processes we use every day to generate thousands of dollars in sales on our stores, all current and constantly being updated because we actually do this stuff for a living.
Which means that even if you have very little money, you can start today with what I teach in this course and get your Shopify store up and running with a few dollars and some ‘sweat equity’...
All you have to do is go through the material in the course, which you can finish in just 1 or 2 days at the most...
Then start taking action right away...
And ask any questions you have in our phenomenal Facebook group of over 36,000 Shopify store creators and business builders
Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The BSF 100k Blueprint Model And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?
Rather than doing all those things I mentioned above in order to get a store from zero to six figure profitability, here’s what it looks like now…
Which Naturally Leads To...
I get hundreds of new people seeking me out on Facebook every month and signing up to my programs without ever seeing my ads...
I wake up every morning with tens of notifications from people tagging me on their posts across all the major social media channels...
I’ve been recognized with a 2 Comma Club award 5 times now and have been able to build a personal relationship with the amazing Russell Brunson and his billion dollar team at Clickfunnels...
I get invited to speak at industry events and meet amazing entrepreneurs all across the United States, Canada, and internationally...
And the best part is that people send me incredible emails, DMs, and write thank you posts to me because of how Beyond Six Figures transformed their life and finances.
That fills my heart with love and joy, because I know what it’s like for a family to go through hard times and struggle with a lack of money.
The really cool thing is that...
If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with all the money and financial success...
But it’s much more than that..
It’s Actually The Freedom Of Knowing You’re Now In Total Control Of Your Life… And The Feeling Of Power When You Realize That You Create Your Own Reality…
That’s something you won’t get from any ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ BS guru program...
These guys just jump on what's hot... make some quick cash... move on to the next big thing... and leave you holding the bag.
Think about it -
How many unsustainable ecom business models have come and gone through the years?
Gurus say all you need is a Shopify store, and an Alibaba account, but now half of China is doing that already, so you're shit out of luck
Gurus tell you to build some super niche store and ‘dominate a category’... But you can’t know which niches and products are going to get traction until you try a bunch of them
Gurus tell you to start your store ‘on the side’ while you continue to work a 9-5, but the market is so competitive now that blowing up on Shopify requires a full-time commitment at least for the first year…
Gurus show you cleverly edited 2016 screenshots of massive hockey stick growth as ‘proof’ their methods work… But it’s 2023 and the game has changed.
Just look around...
Which one of these gurus are actually doing it?
Which one of them are in the market today, running their own ecom stores?
Can't think of any? exactly
And that's why, my have been fooled into thinking they're legit.
This is 2023...and you bought into their 2016 screenshots.
Those gurus are a big part of the reason you're here on this page today, because if what they told you worked...
You wouldn't be still looking for something that did work.
My methods have been tested and adapted through all the major market changes and upheavals of the last 5 years...
From the iOS privacy policies hurting our pixel data,
To the skyrocketing ad costs of the past 2 years...
The supply chain challenges that started with the lockdowns but still affect our businesses...
And my team and I are still testing, improving, researching and gathering data each and every day so we stay on the cutting edge of the market.
So you have two options now
Leave this page, knowing what you know...and continue doing what you're doing and we both know how that'll go for ya...
Now, I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.
Here it goes:
The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes Is Acting On Their Emotions And Jumping From Tactic To Tactic Looking For That ‘Instant Win’...
Here’s why:
There are two types of dropshippers out here.
There are the ‘pump and dumpers’ and there are ‘long haul truckers’
In the beginning, I was chasing that fast money from pumping trendy products, then dumping them even faster when my ads stopped being profitable, and starting all over again..
‘Pump and dumpers’ are always out there trying to grab a quick thousand bucks here and there...
But they never take the time to really build the scalable systems and processes that will take them to the next level of stable cash flow and consistent steady growth that lasts for years...
So they go round and round in circles, until they tire themselves out and end up exiting the industry bitter and disappointed...
And by focusing on this strategy - they spend a ton of time on..
- Listening to gurus and testing stupid hacks and tactics that might work today, but don’t have any staying power…
- Trying to find ‘cheaper’ products that will give them more margin, but attract more negative reviews… Instead of investing in quality products and partnerships that can build the reputation of their company’s brand
- Trying to ‘force’ their ads to work, and overspending on campaigns that will never be profitable… And getting deeper into debt as a result…
- Always looking for shortcuts to ‘save time’ and save a dollar... And never INVESTING their time by focusing on the big needle movers which can build long term success…
All of this ends up with a lot of wasted time and energy.
And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the BSF 100k Blueprint model.
The 20:20 Rule Is The Method I Use To Keep My Business Momentum High At All Times
That's right...
We go out and find 20 new items to sell with the Product Research System...
then validate those products across multiple platforms… and create a full set of content assets for all 20 SKUs before launching a single ad or spending a single dollar...
...Because I’d rather have a modern handgun with 20 bullets locked and loaded… instead of a rusty old rifle that I have to load one by one...
No thanks. I did that before and it sucks.
So here's the deal...
...I explain everything in the BSF 100k Blueprint, it's a short but packed 8-module course that shows you everything you need to know.
So Here's The Million Dollar Idea Behind The BSF 100k Blueprint Model
Right now, as you're reading this very page...
There's a lot of activity happening in the world of ecommerce on Shopify.
It’s an incredibly dynamic market with so many moving parts including Facebook Ads algorithm changes, Apple’s privacy policies on iOS, an explosion in competition from new entrants to the market, and the massive supply chain challenges and shortages we’ve seen world wide since the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021...
This has created a lot of confusion in the market.
There are a bunch of gurus who looked like geniuses when their students were making bank on ‘easy mode’ right up to 2019...
But they haven’t been able to adapt to the times and keep up with the pace of change...
And they’re still selling outdated courses with tactics that just don’t work anymore… Because that’s what they do...
Which one of them are actually doing it instead of teaching it?
Which one of them are running their own Shopify stores?
And if they are… Show me the links - where are they?
Gurus teach shit, once it stops working.
They are the reason you're here on this page, because if what they told you worked...
You wouldn't be here looking for something that did work.
That's Right - Given A Choice, My Students Know That Putting In Disciplined Work NOW To Build Solid Foundations Will Bring Them More Freedom, Security, and Control Than Any Guru ‘Hack’ Or ‘Shortcut’
And that's where the BSF 100k Blueprint comes in...
It does this beautifully in 5 easy steps...
And that’s the difference here.
When you plan, build, operate and scale your Shopify Stores in a systematic way using this model, the results are amplified and sustainable.
Instead of jumping from one ‘pump and dump’ to the next, while always worrying about the total racking up on your credit card, and money running down in your checking account.
What I’m saying is if your goal is an ecommerce business that is profitable, easy to run, and has real staying power… Then trying to speed ahead and take shortcuts is the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!
The BSF 100k Blueprint just requires you to be organized, follow the instructions, and build up step by step...
If you do exactly what I tell you in the order I teach it, stay focused, and don’t get discouraged… You are going to WIN.
And that's why this is different.
And You Know What? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise
Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to exactly 8 weeks from today.
Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the BSF 100k Blueprint course.
That’s when you’ll start seeing your first consistent run of $1k+ days...
Which soon become $10k weeks, and $100k months if you keep your focus and work the system.
That’s how easy this is.
I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…
And Just A Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such A Model Existed…
…But, today I know better.
I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to launch and scale a Shopify store...
I promise you this...
Anyone can be successful at ecommerce with the right model and systems (more on this below)..
Ultimately I want you to know one thing..
If I Can Do This, So Can You!
Because over 36,000 others are doing it too right now within the Beyond Six Figures community...
Here are some recent posts:
And Here's Another Reason You Too Can Do This
It took me almost 4 years to "figure this out"...
...and another 4 to get it almost perfect...
And I’m still working on the systems with my teams every day...
Optimizing, and reacting to new changes in the market...
So it’s always up to date with the latest Facebook algorithm changes, traffic costs, and supply chain realities...
Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.
I already did all of the hard work for you.
I figured it all out.
Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.
You just need to jump into this course material and most important of all - implement it!
That’s it…
Here’s The Exact 5 Step System Revealed In The BSF 100k Blueprint Course For Consistent Shopify Profits
Step 1 - Create Your Shopify Store - I’ll walk you through everything from the structure of the store, to the optimized homepage and product page layouts that myself and BSF students collectively make millions from
Step 2 - Do Your Product Research - You get my proprietary Product Research System, that identifies potential products for your store using Amazon, Google, and Facebook’s valuable data… Then gives you a 9-factor protocol which quickly tells you where the highest profit potential lies
Step 3 - Setup FB Ads Algorithmic Targeting For Your Product Niches - iOS knocked our pixels back, and rising ad costs have increased risk… But we know how to use these ‘disadvantages’ to give us an edge over the competition, and I’ll show you my complete process to keep winning on FB in any market.
Step 4 - Develop Killer Ad Creative For Your Products - I walk you through a batch processing method to quickly create a bunch of copy and creative to test… And a 3-day validation protocol that tells you when to shut an ad off - and when to scale it vertical!
Step 5 - Use The ‘Farm Method’ To Strategically Scale - We run every campaign and ad set on a super tight budget during testing and validations… Then when we identify the high potential breakout products and creatives, we scale them hard… But we don’t go for a ‘pump and dump’... This is steady diagonal scaling that allows us to profitably sell winning products for months and in some cases years…
Those are the 5 steps to build and scale your first profitable Shopify store
All of this is revealed in the 6-module BSF 100k Blueprint course in step-by-step detail.
Making it a systematic approach to Shopify success for the person that seeks financial growth, freedom and consistency from their ecom business.
And that's not all, because...
Here's What Else You're Going To Discover In The BSF 100k Blueprint
The Six-Figure Reason Why Justin’s Trainings Are The Most Up To Date In The Market
All Explained In Module 1 - Lesson 1 at 00:20
What sets BSF apart from any other ecom training out there - it’s not just our awesome team.
All Explained In Module 1 - Lesson 1 at 00:45
Justin’s advice on how to get the most from the program… Listen up and take notes, you get out what you put in.
All Explained In Module 1 - Lesson 1 at 01:05
What will make or break your ecom business… It’s not tech, product or marketing.
All Explained In Module 1 - Lesson 1 at 02:00
The #1 strategic mistake newbie ecom entrepreneurs make that caps their growth… And how to build flexibility into your Shopify store so you can adapt to a changing market
All Explained In Module 2 - Lesson 1 at 00:40
The small and details which give feelings of trust and certainty to people who land on your store… Without these, people won’t be sure if you’re truly ‘legit’
Module 2 - Lesson 1 at 03:00
2 things which you might think will COST you money, but actually MAKE you more money through higher conversions
All Explained In Module 2 - Lesson 1 at 05:15
A simple way to give your customers 24/7 service… And still have time to sleep!
All Explained In Module 2 - Lesson 1 at 06:00
4 different ways you can make money from data collected on your store
All Explained In Module 2 - Lesson 1 at 07:15
The difference between your store’s THEME and PRODUCT SELECTION… Why both matter… And why they don’t have to be directly connected
All Explained In Module 2 - Lesson 1 at 10:00
The difference between your store’s THEME and PRODUCT SELECTION… Why both matter… And why they don’t have to be directly connected
All Explained In Module 2 - Lesson 1 at 10:00
Preparing your store for customer service automation that keeps customers informed AND saves time for your team
All Explained In Module 2 - Lesson 2 at 00:50
The basic policies EVERY store needs to have, and top questions your FAQ must answer
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 2 at 01:40
The reason why simply giving unique names to your products is enough to make them more valuable to buyers
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 3 at 02:10
5 Small ‘trust elements’ that discourage last minute hesitation before people click the buy button
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 3 at 04:00
The importance of consistency and congruency in everything your customers see and experience… And how to use visual consistency to create feelings of trust on your store
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 3 at 06:25
Bringing it all together to create product pages that convert at industry leading levels of 3%+, time after time.
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 3 at 09:30
An ultra-detailed technical 2.5 hour walk-through of EVERY step and setting tweak to setup your store’s theme and appearance from blank template, to branded and ready to sell… Follow this and you can’t go wrong.
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Our 7 favorite apps to increase the functionality and add automation to your Shopify store management… This lets you add upsells, improve customer service, and answer typical customer questions before they even ask!
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 9
How to find REAL, existing, high quality reviews for all your products, even if it’s your very first day of selling.
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 9 at 04:30
The reason why simply giving unique names to your products is enough to make them more valuable to buyers
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 3 at 02:10
The reason why simply giving unique names to your products is enough to make them more valuable to buyers
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 3 at 02:10
The reason why simply giving unique names to your products is enough to make them more valuable to buyers
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 3 at 02:10
An easy way to get 24/7 phone support for your store so you can keep customers satisfied… Even before you make your first team hire.
All Explained On Module 2 - Lesson 9 at 44:30
The reason why every single product that makes it through our product research system has potential for scale…
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 1 at 01:30
The NINE Product Index criteria to assess every important aspect of a potential product for your Shopify store…
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 1 at 04:40
3 settings you must get right on Google Trends, if you want actionable market data
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 1 at 11:00
The easiest way to find differentiated high-revenue products, by using this software…
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 1 at 13:00
An exclusive way for BSF students to get 5-7 day shipping from China to USA… While others are waiting 15-20 days ++
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 1 at 20:30
Learn Justin’s optimum ratios of cost to sale price and margin for your selected products
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 1 at 22:10
How to leverage the power of community for driving interest in the products you sell
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 1 at 23:00
Building company culture from the ground up, and how to screen your first team members.
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 2 at 36:00
What to reinvest early revenue on to grow sales (it’s not just ads!)...
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 2 at 50:10
How to set and execute Macro AND Micro goals… So you can prioritize your daily, weekly, and monthly actions for maximum effect
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 2 at 2:18:00
Sit in on a live mastermind session with Justin, and see how product selection is actually done… No theory, just practical examples with Q&A from the mastermind members.
All Explained On Module 3 - Lesson 2
How Facebook changed the game with Automatic Placements in 2017… How ‘Expanded Detailed Interest Targeting’ is doing the same again now… And why ‘resistance is futile’ when it comes to AI, so we need to get with FB’s program
All Explained On Module 4 - Lesson 1 at 01:00
The reason WHY it’s usually a GOOD thing when Facebook changes the ads manager and offers new AI options… So we don’t need to fight back or game the system.
All Explained On Module 4 - Lesson 1 at 04:30
Facebook Ads market sizing options are changing, and this matters for your campaign reach… Here’s how to adapt to this important change.
All Explained On Module 4 - Lesson 1 at 07:00
The reason why vertical scale = massive volatility… And the key foundational elements in your Ad strategy that allow consistent steady scaling and cashflow, without increasing volatility
All Explained On Module 5 - Lesson 1 at 02:30
Who not how… The reason why audiences > keywords in the new FB Ads environment…
All Explained On Module 5 - Lesson 1 at 04:00
How to breakout your budgets across multiple ad sets to max out profitability and find the winning creatives that can scale a product.
All Explained On Module 5 - Lesson 1 at 10:00
The ‘3-Day Rule’ for simply and systematically cutting out products that aren’t going to work… And the “5x rule” for scaling products that make the cut… These 2 rules make it EASY to decide where your energy and adspend should go, without letting opinions or feelings get in the way
All Explained On Module 5 - Lesson 1 at 13:00
The secret to broadening reach while only allocating ad dollars to proven profitable audiences… So you see higher revenue across the board and grow your foundation.
All Explained On Module 5 - Lesson 1 at 21:30
The most important thing to keep in mind when creating videos and thumbnails… Because if you ignore this even awesome products won’t save you.
All Explained On Module 6 - Lesson 1 at 00:45
Who are your ads really competing with? (hint: it’s not other ads!)
All Explained On Module 6 - Lesson 1 at 06:00
What is the most important element that makes a product ad feel appealing?
All Explained On Module 6 - Lesson 1 at 08:00
The hidden cost penalty for low-res video… You need to know why fuzzy footage is a health hazard for your store
All Explained On Module 6 - Lesson 1 at 15:00
The hidden cost penalty for low-res video… You need to know why fuzzy footage is a health hazard for your store
All Explained On Module 4 - Lesson 1 at 07:00
A special ‘backup’ app you can use if you don’t have video content available for a product. This has been able to help us sell $30k+ in a single day WITHOUT professional edited video!
All Explained On Module 6 - Lesson 1 at 16:30
Justin’s reason why the classic ‘Problem-Agitate-Solution’ ad framework is NOT optimal for super-short form impulse advertising
All Explained On Module 6 - Lesson 1 at 20:00
Is your product ‘unique’ or ‘functional’? You need to know this before you start creating ads - it’s key to your positioning
All Explained On Module 6 - Lesson 1 at 25:00
The simplest way to increase the perceived value of a product, and make it uniquely ‘yours’... Even if you don’t have exclusivity
All Explained On Module 6 - Lesson 1 at 30:00
Editing hacks from music videos that can increase enjoyability AND watch time of your products
All Explained On Module 6 - Lesson 1 at 32:00
How you can take advantage of the ‘Lazy Factor’ in human behavior when creating ad content
All Explained On Module 6 - Lesson 1 at 37:00
Here’s What You’re Going To Discover Inside The BSF 100k Blueprint:
Key Area 1 - Store Creation
Everything you need to know and do to build a store that will build user trust and convert visitors to buyers, while also having the space and flexibility you needs as your sales and product selection grow.
Key Area 2- Product Research
Our highly systematic process to take emotions and guesswork OUT of your product selection.
We give you the 9 key criteria we use to assess every potential product for our stores...
And the unique method we use to further validate the products that pass initial inspection, by piggybacking on FREE data we collect from Amazon, Google, eBay and other ecom giants.
Key Area 3 - Algorithmic Targeting
A detailed training to help you manage the Facebook algo updates for iOS 14.5 through iOS 15+ that affect your targeting... Walking you through everything you need to know about WHAT Facebook changed, WHY they did, and how you can use this to your advantage.
While others see these changes as a threat, we see an opportunity to leverage Facebook’s powerful AI for even greater profits moving forward.
Key Area 4 - The Farm Method
The core of our advertising strategy, that represents years of my blood, sweat, and tears + millions of dollars spent on developing one of the most consistent advertising systems in the whole ecom industry. Use The Farm Method to achieve foundational sales consistency, reduce volatility, and increase your ability to scale Beyond Six Figures with your Shopify store.
Key Area 5 - Ad Creatives
Your ad creatives are ‘the tip of the spear’ for your whole ecom business… Scroll-stopping visual creative and compelling descriptive copy are what grabs the attention of Facebook and Youtube users and brings them onto your Shopify store. We’ll give you the key processes and frameworks that bring customers to our stores 365 days a year.
Plus I'm Giving You 4 Phenomenal Bonuses
BONUS 1 - BSF Farm Method Printable PDF
A printable copy of our proven 8-figure scaling blueprint, that shows you exactly how to scale your campaigns step by step, from testing with just a few dollars all the way to spending thousands a day.
Print it out and keep it in your workspace so you can refer back to it daily.
BONUS 2 - ‘Supply Chain 2023 - New Rules’
Up to the minute video interview with my good friend Alan, a product sourcing expert who manages up to $40M a year of spend for his clients and partner stores.
Alan reveals exactly what’s changed in the supply chain between China and the USA, the new realities of shipping times and logistics costs… And the strategy changes Shopify stores must make to compete in the changing environment.
This knowledge puts you ahead of the game of legacy store owners who are still trying to do business like it’s 2019.
BONUS 3 - Algorithmic Targeting Google Sheet
After you go through our detailed walkthrough video training on this proprietary system for getting the maximum bang for ever dollar spent on Facebook Ads… This spreadsheet lets you simply calculate exactly how to allocate your advertising budgets.
BONUS 4 - Access to the BSF Community on FB
Join one of the most active and dynamic communities on Facebook. Get access to extra trainings for free, and get amount likeminded people on the same missions as you!
I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away...
And you’re probably wondering:
“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”...
So there has to be a “catch”...
And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.
This isn't one of them.
There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.
I'm literally giving you this entire course, for $7, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.
My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.
But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
The truth is...
I was planning on selling this course for $197, which would be less affordable, and make it much more difficult to help more people.
Then I sold the BSF 100k Blueprint course for $7 and a bunch of people bought it at that price....
...Which was great, but then I realized hey - this is a video course, it doesn't cost me anything to sell other than a few bucks to pay for the Ads…
By Lowering The Price To $7 It Allows Me To Impact More People And Help Them Transform Their Lives By Growing A Profitable Shopify Dropshipping Business
I consider that a true win/win...
Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the course at this price.
It costs me just over $25.00 in advertising expenses to sell one course.
So why would I do that?
Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.
I'm betting that you'll enjoy the course so much, you'll reach out in the Facebook group, or book a call with my team to find out about our Platinum Club mentorship program.
Pretty straightforward.
Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.
Oh. And in case you're wondering ...
Of course there's a money-back guarantee.
In fact, I think it's …
The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World
Here’s the world’s best guarantee.
I know that before I get into anything…
…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.
And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase.
And even though it’s only $7…
As my mom likes to say: “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…
So here’s what I’ve arranged:
Get the Course, go through all the modules, join the BSF Facebook group… AND most importantly apply what you learn with us.
And if you’re not blown away by the results… Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 60 days.
We’ll refund you your $7 and let you keep the BSF 100k Blueprint course free of charge.
How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!
The BEST Money-Back Guarantee
In The World
And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind..
so Here’s How To Order Today...
Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you’ll be reading the 2 Hour Agency in the next 2 minutes.
Price: $5.60
(Save $31.40 today)
Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.60! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Delivered to: Your Email Address / Instant Download
(Save $90.00 today)
Get The Course For $97 Just $7! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Access
I’ll talk to you in our private FB Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you purchase your copy of the BSF 100k Blueprint.
Until then, to your success,
P.S. Remember, the BSF 100k Blueprint comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.
Buy it, watch it, implement it, and get results.
And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $7.